Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fresh Laundry

Hi. My name is Jaymie and I'm addicted to Pinterest. As proof of my addiction, I will let you know that I am dangerously close to pinning 600 things...

I know many people are just as addicted as I am and I'm not ashamed. Why should I be? All it has done is give me ideas on how to improve my home, live a greener lifestyle, and bake a lot of tasty things. The only person I can see having a complaint would be my husband. The poor guy is surrounded by half completed projects and is subject to trying new recipes at any given time. I'm sure he misses his classic Italian dinner menu...

With all that said, it is time to talk about a pin I have wanted to try for months, but just now got around to making... homemade laundry soap. I used the blog from Frugally Green ( because it seemed simple enough.

Part of the reason it took so long for me to make my soap is because I could not find Arm & Hammer Washing Soda. They do not carry it at Giant Eagle or Target and I loath Walmart. The first time I went to pick some up, they were sold out. I did finally get a box the last time I woke up really early on a Saturday and knew I would beat the rush... (I may or may not have set my alarm to be able to do this) The 3 ingredients: Fels Naptha ($.97), Washing Soda ($3.88), and Borax ($3.88) are located all right together in the laundry aisle.

Well, I made the soap, but didn't exactly follow the directions completely. I used all the recommended materials, but I did not let it thicken up to become the consistency of honey (or close to). It began to boil so I took it off the heat and finished the process. We shall see how it turns out... I will keep you updated. The good news is that it does smell really clean.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Favorites: Popsicles

Summer is full of flavorful fruits. Fruit Popsicles are an easy way to use fresh fruit and keep cool. This simple recipe is a favorite of both kids and adults. Mix your favorite fruits to get your perfect flavor combination.

Fruit Popsicles:
2 cups fresh fruit (any fruit(s))
1 tbs. Sugar
2 tsp. Lemon juice

Use blender to puree fruit. Add sugar and lemon juice and pulse to mix.
Pour fruit puree into Popsicle molds and freeze.

To in unmold popsicles, run Popsicle mold under warm water until the Popsicle removes easily.

I recommend letting the Popsicles freeze for 24 hours before eating.